Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jack B. Quick (and Batman) cover art for Comic Book Artist magazine

Update: Here are some thumbnails and a larger layout for the cover. I forgot I had these!

My buddy Robert Jewell suggested the flying contraption that Jack cobbled together. Sorry I don't have a larger scan of the pencils.


  1. Still one wonky contraption Jack is on but his face is priceless. Joy and excitement.

  2. What, you don't think it could really fly? O ye of little faith.

  3. LOL. I was good until the bathroom sink had the trap removed and replaced with wheels. All other aspects would be hard to argue. :)

    Sure miss Jack. That something that has any hope of being published another place or is that copyright WS/DC?

  4. DC owns the ©. Alan and I just have "equity".

  5. I like the simplicity of the colors; almost totally flat. the composition it´s also remarkable.

  6. BTW, you never told us your shoe drawing secret.

  7. DAMN YOU KEVIN NOWLAN!!!!!!!! I shall have my revenge!!!
