Thursday, July 30, 2009

Legion of Superheroes Painting

Looks like I was wrong when I said that the Vision card was the only painting that I did for the Upper Deck VS Card series. I also did this large piece for the Legion series box.


  1. The guy on the front left (I don't really know any Legion characters) is really darn cool. Almost like a photograph of someone. And the final, painted version, I like how you blended the background in from top to bottom. Really makes that group of figures stand out as unique images.

    Did this take a touch longer because, I'd assume, this was the first time you really seen/used these characters?

  2. I don't comment too often. but i *love* your updates and I'm here every day. Love your stuff, and hope you keep it coming. Cheers! :)

  3. Thanks, Mike!

    Patrick: Yes, it took a long time to paint. I had a mountain of reference material, but I'm sure I still got a lot of things wrong.

  4. Wow! What a treat, first a new JBQ then a full-blown LSH painting! Your house is just a museum of coolness! I Google-Image searched for the Legion VS System card series and those Upper Deck monkeys didn't even use the whole image for the display box. :-( Did they let you do the editing or did they have someone in-house do it? Regardless, thanks for sharing the unadulterated version.

  5. I'm new here, so I have to ask if you used aerograph on this piece... it's amazing the way you can make young people look athletic yet juvenile at the same time, that's one of the aspects of your work I appreciate the most

  6. Do you mean "Art-o-graph"? The opaque projector? I rarely use it these days, in spite of the fact that the giant monstrosity is still attached to my drawing table.

    Glad you like the way I draw the youngsters.

    Hiroshi: Upper Deck must have chopped up the image. I sent it to them the way you see it here.

  7. What kind of paint do you use for your color work?

  8. sorry sir..

    again..tell us the process of your painting the grey tone shadows..look like its painted on multiply layer on pencils..

    looks digital..

  9. No, only the background and the yellow outlines are digital.

    I did a tight pencil drawing, then started adding watercolor. I finished up with opaque media like gouache and colored pencils.

  10. Michael, as you saw in the last post, the Legion piece is mixed media, mostly watercolor but I've also used acrylic, oil and alkyds.

  11. Sorry, Kevin, I meant to ask if you used airbrush... I'm a native spanish speaker, and in spanish, that translates as "aerografo". My mistake.

  12. Ah, yes... I do use an airbrush once in a while. Not on this piece, but on several others, like the Legends of the Dark Knight cover and many of the Man-Thing pages.
