A random collection of material from comic artist Kevin Nowlan. Started with the best of intentions, but like most other efforts, doomed to perish from neglect as soon as the novelty wears off.
Ishould mention that all of these were designed with the elbows bent and the hands raised a bit so the arms wouldn't be chopped off. In this instance, a martini glass provided us with a useful prop.
I wrote about the odd situation leading up to this story back here. Looks like I missed at least one solid black that was supposed to be filled in. Hope the colorist caught it.
This is a character I've rarely – if ever – drawn. I think that Terry Dodson sample that I inked was probably as close as I'd ever gotten before. I was going for the late '60's, early '70's look. A little Gene Colan and a little George Tuska.
This one is a mystery to me. The note says it's for something called a "3D Gallery" but I don't know if it was ever published. DC put out a book called "Green Lantern 3D" in 1998 which sounds about right but the GCD doesn't mention this piece. Pencils by Gil Kane.
This was for a collection of Drew Friedman strips in 1985. I don't know who did the first design, but the publisher thought it was weak and asked me to rework it. The drawings were beautiful but the typography and composition was lame. I put together a sketch with a symmetrical approach, something I usually avoid, but this time it worked. The final image is the printed cover. Someone else did the final typography and changed the logo and made a few more little alterations but it works. And who can argue with a giant Shemp head?
Some of my sketches for "On Leather Wings" from the first season of Batman: The Animated Series. I remember Bruce Timm kept saying he wanted Man-Bat to look bigger.
This is a pencil layout on tracing paper for the letters column in Strange Tales. I'm guessing it was done around 1985 or '86. It's too bad that most comics don't have letters pages anymore. When I was a kid, that was always the first thing I read when I picked up a new book.
From 1985. Editor Carl Potts asked me to come up with some designs for this logo after I told him I wanted to focus on lettering for a while. you can see me fumbling around on the first sample, searching for an idea. The final design incorporates his skull emblem. I usually don't like designs that are this painfully symmetrical but I think it works.
Many thanks to the current owner of this original, Mr. Joe Lee, who went to an awful lot of trouble to mail me a full-size copy. Layout, pencils and inks for pages two and three of the Outsiders Annual:
I don't even remember this character's name and I'm too tired to look it up. I think she was in WildCATS, but you guys don't really care about those details, do you? All I remember is that this was for a calendar in the late '90's and even though I did a really tight color guide (shown below) and specifically asked the separator to leave the swimsuit white, he or she put a 10% black screen over it. Why do they do stuff like that? By the way, I only drew two flamingos. The rest are clones.
Years ago I was asked to contribute a piece of art to a charity auction. I didn't have the slightest idea what to do so I sketched around until I came up with this...
Here's a very exaggerated, almost cartoony take on the Man of Steel, from a 1998 one-shot. The Superman figure was printed on a clear plastic overlay and the background was the front page of the newspaper.