Sunday, February 21, 2010

Old Supergirl pin-up pencils

By request...


  1. That is just beautiful, the hair especially. Was this entirely from scratch, or did you use some manner of reference?

  2. This was drawn so long ago (probably around 1986 or '87) that I can't say for sure either way, but looking at the piece, I must have looked at some photos. On the other hand, no woman really looks like that so I couldn't have been too faithful to whatever reference I found. My best guess would be around 50%.

  3. This is the image that Jimmy inked for some of his prints, didn't he?

  4. I don't know... I did at least two versions of it but I don't think I ever saw Jimmy's.

  5. yeah! you say it, no woman really looks like that , it has an alien beauty that goes well with the character. In other versions hair reminds me of the art of Mucha or Art Nouveau posters.Thanks for taking the time to find it and post it:)
